Maintaining security in hotels can be a difficult task. There is a large volume of guests going in and out at all different times. For the most part, these guests are unidentified. For this reason, hotels are often vulnerable to security breaches because it can be difficult to identify a security risk before an issue occurs. However, XL Plus Security services are steps you can take to help reduce the risk of security breaches in your hotel.

XL Plus Security Risk Assessment
One of the best ways to keep your hotel safe is to have a security risk assessment. XL Plus can perform a risk assessment in order to identify any security vulnerabilities on your property and to make suggestions to fix them. If you are looking to improve the security in your hotel, a security risk assessment is a great step to take to help develop an improvement plan.
Engage With Guests
A simple step that you can take to improve security in your hotel is to encourage your staff to actively engage with guests. When your staff engages with guests, they will get to know them, making it easier to identify any suspicious or unauthorized individuals in the hotel. Additionally, any individual who attempts to commit a crime will notice that staff is paying close attention to everyone, deterring them from committing a crime. Our Security Managers advices and guides your staff to actively engage with guests will help promote a sense of safety in your hotel.
Unique Staff Uniforms
Clearly uniformed staff with visible nametags can help promote security in your hotel. Security personnel and management can easily identify employees, even in crowded areas. Therefore, it will be easy to identify any intruders in restricted areas. Additionally, guests will feel safer and more secure because it will be easy for them to find an employee when they are in need of assistance.
Close Off Parking Area
Whether your parking area is a garage or lot, it should be gated and closed off. Many guests will arrive, park their cars, and not return to their car until they are going home. Therefore, there are often long periods of time where cars are unattended, making those easy targets for break-ins and theft. To avoid these issues and keep your guests’ vehicles safe, our security closes off your parking area to prevent intruders from getting inside.
SAP based Security Cameras
Security cameras are one of the most effective ways to keep your hotel safe and monitor all activity. Hotel must install cameras at all entrances as well as all hallways and communal areas. Security cameras will help monitor all activity in your hotel in order to identify any threats before they take place. In the event that an issue does occur, XL Plus Security will provide SAP oriented important evidence for the authorities in order to ensure that the criminal is caught.
Chief Security Officers
XL Plus Chief Security officers can add an extra level of security in your hotel. They are highly trained to watch for suspicious behavior and stop criminals in the act. Posting security officers at entrances and/or around the hotel will deter criminals and ensure that any issues are handled immediately. Our Security officers can also help Escort unruly guests out or back to their rooms. Additionally, you can use security officers to help monitor your parking area to ensure that your guests’ vehicles are protected.
XL Plus SAP Security | Hotel Security Solutions
XL Plus Security is engaged in supporting your security and business by developing customized SAP security solutions that support your business objectives while cost-effectively minimizing risk. Clients receive continuous support from a highly responsive team of professionals including owners, management, field supervisors and officers.