
Manpower Management

Manpower planning is also known as human resources planning, and it is the process that management uses to determine the manner in which an organization should move from point A to point B, in terms of manpower.
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Manpower planning is also known as human resources planning, and it is the process that management uses to determine the manner in which an organization should move from point A to point B, in terms of manpower. This happens via planning and development, and enables management to have the right kinds of employees in the right number in the right place at the right time. Together, having the right manpower will help the organization achieve its goals, and will also benefit individual employees in the best way possible. This kind of planning enables HR departments to forecast which human resources are required to perform which jobs. The HR department will also assess which skills are required of employees for each job. It is fairly complex and, if done correctly, this will aid HR in estimating its future position in terms of demand and supply. Basically, this gives the HR department a snapshot of the future, and helps the department plan ahead for what’s to come.

XL Plus Manpower Planning

  • – Having manpower with have the right skills in the right number for the various jobs in the organization.
  • – Motivating the organization’s employees to be productive and to perform at their maximal potential.
  • – Creating connections among the various resource planning activities of the organization and the organization’s business objectives.

XL Plus Manpower Concept & Objective

XL Plus Manpower planning is a set of strategies and the process of manpower that plans itself. An effective human resources plan will provide various mechanisms designed to get rid of talent gaps, which may exist between the organization’s supply of labor and its demand for the same. It is a highly dynamic process by nature, and it requires regular adjustments, as the conditions in the labor market keep changing.

  • – Forecasting the organization’s manpower requirements
  • – Managing change effectively
  • – Realizing the goals of the organization
  • – Promoting the employees of the organization
  • – The effective utilization of human resources

Categories handled by XL Plus

XL Plus provides trained & proficient staffing for positions like  receptionists, dispatch officials, photo copying machine operations, beverage serving, filing operations, booking of tickets and a host of administrative support services as listed below and as listed under staffing services.

  • – Office administration staffing such as dispatch clerks, Xerox operators, Food & Beverage service, filing operators, booking of tickets, travel desk operators etc.
  • – All training needs specific to their job roles and are undertaken as per client specifications 

We also undertake listed categories

  • – Office assistance
  • – Front office
  • – Reprographics
  • – Document Management
  • – Data Entry
  • – Fleet Management
  • – Pantry Management
  • – Help Desk Management
  • – Sales and Marketing Resource management

A team of management expertise set goals to manage the tasks in person and see that the man power to deliver quality services and a safe solutions to any kind of the facility promised. We pride ourselves in tailoring each project to the specific demand of every client. Our vision is to build a value added partnership over a long term in our facility management services.

We also work in close coordination with nominated supply partners, sub-contractors ensuring their performance while cross mapping all processes and systems with the client’s quality management systems like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001 and OHSAS18001 etc.

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ISO-18788 2015_11zon
ISO-45001 2018_11zon
ISO-9001 2015_11zon